
The Forum of Young Global Leaders is a community of innovators from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Search current members and alumni by year awarded, sector or region.

Lisa MacCallum

President and Founder, Inspired Companies, Australia

Founder and Chief strategist, Inspired Companies. A purpose led business framework and roadmap to transition business to a force the world can get behind. (

Former NIKE Inc Vice President, with executive positions (2001-2014) spanning commercial, strategy and brand through to leadership of NIKE’s Corporate Philanthropy and Global Community Investments. Managing Director of the Nike Foundation and co-creator of the multi-award winning girleffect concept (

Founding Chair of the World Sporting Goods Industry’s Physical Activity Commission. Co- author of Designedtomove. A Framework for Action and multi-sector global alliance to tackle global physical inactivity. (

Co-founder, Business Breakthrough Inc: (1997-2001) Tokyo-based multi-media and broadcasting company.

Global Ambassador for the World Benchmarking Alliance; NED Limeade Ltd (employee experience platform); CSRB Board Committee member British Telecom PLC (2015-2018). NED, Bond University Limited, Australia; KAO Corporation Japan Advisory Board; Commissioner, Knight Foundation and Aspen Institute’s Information Needs of Communities Living in a Democracy (2010)

Early professional career in Accounting, Finance and Consulting with KPMG in both Australia and the USA.

Loves ocean swimming, beach running, kids sports and the best of humanity and the planet.

Kala Mulqueeny

Senior Adviser, Ocean Geographic, Australia

Kala Mulqueeny is an environmental lawyer and policy specialist. She is currently Senior Advisor at the Ocean Geographic Society. Previously, she led the Law, Justice and Development Programme. at the Asian Development Bank (ABD). Kala also initiated and chaired the Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy Governance and Regulation, the creation of the ASEAN Energy Regulators' Network, the Asian Judges Network on Environment and the ASEAN Chief Justice's Roundtable. After the 2004 Asian tsunami, she led work in Sri Lanka to implement a legal aid and governance project that has directly helped about 100,000 people. Kala was recognized as an Asia 21 Young Leader of the Asia Society and a Yale World Fellow. She taught at the Hong Kong University, the University of the Philippines, and the Law College of the Australian National University. Australasian Legal Business: Legal News named her one of the Top 40 Lawyers in 2010. Kala is on the WWF - Phippines Advisory Council. She has a Doctorate from Harvard Law School, and a Masters in Environmental Law from Sydney university. She was a University Medalist at Qld University.

Clare O'Neil

Minister for Home Affairs and Cybersecurity, Department for Home Affairs & Cybersecurity of Australia, Australia

O'Neil is the Shadow Minister for Financial Services and Shadow Minister for Justice in Australia's federal parliament. She is a Fulbright Scholar, a Harvard graduate, a published author and former Mayor and Councillor in the City of Greater Dandenong.

Hayley Saddington

Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Halo Medical Devices, Australia

Passionate about people and helping them recover and thrive! I started Halo Medical to change global health care equality. After my father’s farming accident I wanted everyone, no matter how far they lived from healthcare and no matter what they could afford, to receive​ the healthcare they needed to recover optimally.

Starting Peak Medical, incorporating Artificial intelligence within a digital health platform to deliver care in the home.

We want to positively impact the 46Billion dollar Orthopaedic Industry, reaching to help over 3 million joint replacement patients by 2030 with our new tech, Halo Buddy.

Open to collaborative partners.

Simon Sheikh

Chief Executive Officer, Future Super, Australia

Simon Sheikh is the CEO and co-founder of Future Super, a fast growing ethical investment focussed asset manager in Australia with AUD$10.5b + under management across pension and managed investments. The pension fund has approximately 280,000 investors and helps everyday Australians divest from fossil fuels and invest in climate solutions.

Simon's background is as a community activist, having run the 1 million strong group GetUp. In this role he led campaigns on clean energy, carbon pricing, mental health reform and water policies. Prior to joining GetUp as its second National Director, Simon worked at the NSW Treasury as a Financial Analyst. Simon is passionate about parenthood and climate action. He is the father of a 7 year old who loves surfing and skateboarding.

Rohan Silva

Founder, Second Home, Australia

I'm founder and CEO of Second Home, a socially responsible business that supports entrepreneurship and job creation in cities around the world. Second Home has raised over £50 million in funding from some of the world's leading investors, including DST Global founder Yuri Milner, Tencent founder Martin Lau, Index Ventures, Atomico and the founders of Zoopla, M&C Saatchi and Endemol.

I was previously Senior Policy Adviser to British Prime Minister David Cameron, where he worked across all areas of policy, but was particularly passionate about enterprise, innovation and technology. He was responsible for developing key policies to improve the environment for enterprise in the UK, such as the Entrepreneur Visa, Entrepreneur Relief, angel investment tax breaks, and the Government's Open Data agenda.

In addition, I created the British Government's Tech City initiative, which supports the growth of the technology cluster in East London, and also instigated the Government's Life Science Strategy in 2011, as well as the follow-up strategy in 2012 focused on genomics and bioinformatics.

I'm also a Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Art and a World Economic Forum ‘Young Global Leader’.

Anthony Smaré

Chair of the Board, Paradise Foods, Papua New Guinea

Lawyer, geologist, entrepreneur, investor and social entrepreneur. Directorships and interests in sustainable investment, climate change, responsible extractives, financial inclusion, telecommunications, banking and pharmaceutical industries.